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Weight plates

Video 53 of 71
2 min 4 sec
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Guide to Weighted Plates for Weight Training

Introduction to Weighted Plates

Learn about weighted plates, essential for progressing in weight training.

Types of Weighted Plates

Weighted plates come in various materials including cast iron, hard rubber, soft rubber, and hard plastics, serving as different elements of weight for your training needs.

Identifying Weight on Weighted Plates

Weighted plates typically display their weight on the side. For example:

  • 5 kilo weight: Smaller width compared to heavier plates.
  • 10 kilo weight: Twice the width of a 5 kilo plate due to its heavier weight.

Importance of Uniform Plate Size

It's crucial for weighted plates to be of uniform size:

  • Equal Loading: Plates of the same size ensure even weight distribution when loaded onto a barbell.
  • Stability: Ensures all weights touch the floor when loaded, maintaining stability during exercises.

Choose weighted plates wisely to ensure consistent and effective weight training sessions.