Personal Health and Fitness

71 videos, 2 hours and 20 minutes

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Suspension system - Forward lunge

Video 49 of 71
1 min 6 sec
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Forward Lunge Using Suspension System: Guide and Tips

Introduction to Forward Lunge

Learn how to perform a forward lunge using a suspension system for added balance and range of movement.

Executing the Exercise

Follow these steps to perform the forward lunge with a suspension system:

  • Using the Suspension: Utilize the strap for added stability and to increase depth in each lunge.
  • Positioning: Step feet out to shoulder width, maintain full arm extension, and keep your gaze forward.
  • Movement: Push through the leg to perform the lunge, utilizing the suspension for balance support if needed.

Ensure proper form throughout the exercise to maximize the benefits of the forward lunge and minimize injury risks.