Personal Health and Fitness

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Total Daily Exercise Expenditure (TDEE) and Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)

Understanding BMR and TDEE

BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate): The minimum calories your body needs for basic daily functions, such as brain and heart function.

Even at rest, your body requires calories for essential functions.

TDEE (Total Daily Exercise Expenditure): Includes BMR plus calories burned through daily activities and exercise.

Active lifestyles result in higher TDEE due to increased calorie needs for physical activity.

Difference Between BMR and TDEE

BMR: Represents the baseline calorie requirement for bodily functions.

TDEE: Reflects total calories needed considering your activity level throughout the day.

Using BMR and TDEE for Weight Management

To achieve a calorie deficit for weight loss:

  • If aiming for weight loss, starting with a deficit from BMR ensures a consistent approach.
  • Deficit from TDEE allows for higher calorie intake but requires additional exercise to create a deficit.

Understanding BMR and TDEE helps tailor your diet and exercise plan for effective weight management.