Personal Health and Fitness

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Total daily exercise expenditure, also known as TDEE and BMR, also known as basal metabolic rate. Now, BMR, that is the required amount of calories that your body needs in order to function, just day-to-day functioning, okay. So all your body still needs calories to function, your brain needs calories, your heart needs calories, your body needs calories, just to perform and just do general movement. As soon as your body starts to go into an exhausted state and starts to elevate its heart rate, we creep into TDEE. Now, what that is, is total daily exercise expenditure. Now, there's a slight difference between the two. Total daily exercise expenditure is from your exercise expenditure throughout the whole day, depending on your lifestyle.

Now, if your lifestyle is particularly active, your total daily expenditure is going to be higher than someone who's not active. Because the more activity level you do, the more calories your body will require in order for you to perform. For example, if you run five times a week, you will burn more calories than someone that runs the same distance, but three times a week. So the more active you are, the higher your total daily expenditure will be. When it comes to the difference between BMR and TDEE, BMR is basically the minimum the body needs. TDEE, your exercise expenditure, is where your body needs additional calories for additional exercise on the body. For example, when you're trying to put yourself into a calorie deficit, okay, from basically, you know, let's just say you want to lose some weight, alright, the BMR is your one to go to, because this is the minimum what the body needs. So if you put yourself in a calorie deficit from your BMR, no matter what you do that day, you will start the weight loss calorie deficit process. If you put yourself in a calorie deficit from the TDEE, which is a higher number, you will have more calories to burn throughout the day, so you will have to exercise to create that deficit.