Personal Health and Fitness

71 videos, 2 hours and 20 minutes

Course Content

Step - Press up

Video 65 of 71
1 min 21 sec
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Upper Body Exercises Using Exercise Step


Discover effective upper body exercises using an exercise step to enhance your workout routine.

Press-Up on the Exercise Step

Perform a straightforward press-up using the exercise step:

  • Setup: Place your hands on the platform and extend your feet behind you.
  • Execution: Lower your chest towards the platform by bending your arms and then push back up.
  • Repetitions: Complete 5 repetitions.

To make the exercise easier:

  • Modified Option: Lower your knees to the ground to reduce the load on your chest.

To increase difficulty:

  • Advanced Option: Extend one leg off the ground while maintaining the press-up position.

Adjust the intensity based on your fitness level and goals.