Personal Health and Fitness

71 videos, 2 hours and 20 minutes

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Step - Shoulder step

Video 66 of 71
1 min 22 sec
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Okay, so the second upper body movement I am going to show using the box, or the exercise step, okay. It is very simple, a shoulder step up, like so. So this is working on endurance and the muscles in the shoulders, okay, stepping up and off the platform, keeping your hips nice and still, and you are stopping the hips from twisting. Make sure to keep your arms locked out, tension on the shoulder, tension on your core, and keep your hips nice and straight. Same again, if you want to make that easier, you can drop to the knees like so, and just step up onto the box and then back to the ground. Okay? If you want to make that harder, very simply, hips up, straight leg, one leg in the air, and then you are simply going to speed up the tempo, like so.