Personal Health and Fitness

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Suspension system - Tricep extensions

Video 48 of 71
1 min 7 sec
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Okay, so what we're going to take you through now is a tricep extension using a suspension system, okay. So very simply, all we're trying to do is you're trying to find a resistance when doing an extension of the arm. So therefore the tricep that is responsible for contracting to extend the arm will be under strain, okay. So very simple, we're going to walk forwards, but then we're going to bend the arm. From there, same principle again. The more weight that's on the tricep, the harder the exercise will be. From there, I'm going to extend my arm using my triceps and then tuck the elbows in again on the flexion, okay. So extension and flexion, like so. So on the extension, all the tricep is under tension throughout the movement. Like so.