Personal Health and Fitness

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Weight plate - Raised heel

Video 57 of 71
1 min 28 sec
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Using Weighted Plate as a Raised Platform for Squats

Introduction to Using Weighted Plate for Squats

Learn how to utilize a weighted plate as a raised platform to enhance squat depth and flexibility.

Benefits of Using a Raised Plate for Squats

  • Improved Depth: Raises heels to facilitate deeper squatting.
  • Enhanced Flexibility: Helps overcome ankle flexibility limitations.
  • Reduced Joint Strain: Allows deeper hip engagement with less strain on joints.

Here's how to perform squats using a weighted plate as a raised platform:

  1. Position the weighted plate under your heels to elevate them.
  2. Adjust your toe position slightly outward to align knees correctly.
  3. Lower into a deep squat, pushing knees outwards.
  4. Drive heels into the ground and extend your body back to the starting position.

Focus on maintaining proper form and using the raised platform to achieve greater squat depth effectively.