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Tricep Press

Video 23 of 71
1 min 51 sec
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Tricep Press Exercise: Technique and Benefits

Understanding the Tricep Press

The tricep press is a body-weighted exercise focusing on strengthening the triceps by isolating their movement through controlled extension and flexion.

  • Execution: Begin in a narrow position with elbows tucked close to the body.
  • Tricep Engagement: Lower the body with controlled descent, emphasizing tension on the triceps during extension.
  • Hand Position: Ensure fingers face forwards to maintain wrist alignment and reduce strain.

Technique Tips for Tricep Press

  • Keep elbows close to the body throughout the movement to maximise tricep activation.
  • During extension, avoid locking out the elbows to maintain tension on the triceps.
  • Modify difficulty by adjusting hip height or dropping to the knees, ensuring consistent tricep engagement.

The tricep press effectively targets the triceps, promoting upper body strength and muscular endurance.