Personal Health and Fitness

71 videos, 2 hours and 20 minutes

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Maintaining a healthy weight

Video 8 of 71
1 min 11 sec
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Balance Between Diet and Lifestyle for Healthy Weight

Understanding Caloric Needs and Lifestyle

Caloric Requirement: Each person has a minimum requirement of calories necessary for bodily functions.

Lifestyle Impact: Your daily activities and habits influence how many calories your body needs.

Importance of Balance

To maintain a healthy weight, balance is crucial:

  • Diet Control: Monitor your food intake to avoid overeating.
  • Activity Level: Be aware of how much energy your body burns through physical activity.

By maintaining a balance between what you eat and how much you burn, you can achieve and sustain a healthy weight.

Managing Overeating

Occasional overeating happens:

  • Counteract it by being more active the following day to balance out calorie intake.
  • Regular activity helps manage weight fluctuations caused by occasional overeating.

Remember, balance and moderation are key to maintaining a healthy lifestyle.