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Dumbbell exercises - lower body

Video 37 of 71
3 min 0 sec
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Dumbbell Exercises for Lower Body Strength

Importance of Weight Distribution in Dumbbell Exercises

Understanding how weight distribution affects your workout.

  • Front vs Heel Loading: Distribute weight to heels during lower body exercises to balance tension.

Shoulder-Loaded Dumbbell Box Squat

A foundational lower body exercise using dumbbells:

  • Setup: Place dumbbells on shoulders to add resistance.
  • Position: Anchor heels, relax toes, and maintain balanced weight.
  • Execution: Lower to 90 degrees, then extend legs back to upright position with chest proud.

Lateral Lunge with Dumbbells

Engage muscles with additional weight:

  • Execution: Stand upright, weight between legs.
  • Movement: Step right foot laterally, keeping left leg straight and shifting weight to right side.
  • Benefits: Stretches groin, activates quad, hamstring, and glutes.

Dumbbell Swing for Glute Activation

Perform a dynamic movement to engage glutes:

  • Technique: Hinge at hips, push hips back, chest out, and swing dumbbells forward.
  • Movement: Thrust hips forward to swing dumbbells up and return in controlled motion.
  • Focus: Activates glutes for hip thrusting motion.