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The press up

Video 21 of 71
2 min 29 sec
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Effective Body Weight Exercises: Press-Up Variations

Introduction to Press-Up Variations

Today, we'll explore three key variations of the press-up: standard press-up, narrow press-up, and incline press-up.

Standard Press-Up

The press-up is one of the most widely used body-weight exercises globally, focusing on upper body strength and engagement of the chest and triceps.

  • Ensure your body maintains a straight line from head to heels to prevent hyperextension in the lower back.
  • Feet should provide a stable foundation behind the body with a neutral eye line to avoid strain on the neck.
  • Arms positioned slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, elbows at a right angle, ensuring tension on the pectoral muscles during flexion and triceps during extension.

Strength vs. Muscular Tissue Building

Adjust your approach based on:

  • Strength phase (1-5 reps): Perform 1-5 reps to focus on maximum strength development.
  • Muscular tissue building phase (8-12 reps): Aim for 8-12 reps to promote muscle growth and endurance.

Variations for Progression

Modify the press-up to suit your fitness level:

  • Decline Press-Up: Elevate feet higher than shoulders to increase difficulty and engage more upper body muscles.
  • Incline Press-Up: Position hands on an elevated surface to reduce resistance and focus on technique.

By adjusting these variations, you can effectively challenge your muscles, ensuring continual progression and strength gains.