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The press up

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2 min 29 sec
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Three movements we're going to cover today is press-up, narrow press-up, and incline press. Now, the first one I'm going to cover is the press-up. Now the press-up is in the top three for body weight of resistance used all over the world. The press-up is a upper body engagement through the chest and the tricep down the back of the arm. Now, when it comes to press-ups, there's multiple things we need to think about doing. Your body's line of travel needs to be nice and straight, so that you're not hyper-extending in your lower back. You need to make sure that your feet are a nice, strong foundation behind the body, and your eye line is neutral to your neck. So when you're performing the upper body press-up, arms are outside of the shoulder, okay. The arm is at a right angle, flared away from the body, so they can get lots of tension down through the pectoral major on the flexion, and then obviously on the extension, the tricep is then engaged to bring the body back to the top position.

Now, first of all, you're just going to put yourself in a position, okay, where you can do 1-5 reps. Now 1-5 reps is the strength bracket. So what that means is, you can do a minimum of one rep and a maximum of five reps. And that will mean that your body part that you're using in that range, will get as strong as it can. Now, when it comes to building muscular tissue in that range, we're looking from 8-12 reps. So that's a minimum of eight reps and a maximum of 12 reps. Now, when I say putting yourself in a position, I mean either making that easier for you or making it harder. Ways you can do by making a press-up easier, or making it harder, by elevating the feet behind the body and having them higher than your shoulders, you'll create what we call a decline press-up, okay. So your feet are elevated and the weight is coming down towards your chest. Now a way of making that easier is to simply turn yourself around. Therefore, you'll put yourself in the incline position, so you'll take more weight off your upper body. The reason why we do that is to make sure that the muscular tissue is going through as much tension as it can, so the body can keep progressing over time and the muscles can keep getting stronger, alright. And you can keep progressing with your training.