Personal Health and Fitness

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Post Exercise Stretches

Video 19 of 71
2 min 2 sec
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The Importance of Cool Downs After Exercise

Why Cool Downs Matter

Cooling down is crucial after any intense exercise session.

  • Whether it's after a marathon, long run, or a low-intensity yoga class, the type of exercise determines your cool down routine.
  • After a long distance run, gradually reduce your heart rate to resting levels before beginning stretches.
  • Keep your muscles warm and avoid letting your heart rate remain high post-exercise.

Stretching for Recovery

Focus on muscle recovery through targeted stretching.

  • Address tension in quads, calves, hamstrings, and glutes.
  • Stretch each muscle group to release lactic acid buildup and promote faster recovery.

Benefits of Cool Downs

Maximise muscle flexibility and improve performance.

  • Cool downs help lengthen muscles, enhancing range of motion and reducing risk of injury.
  • Immediately post-exercise, warm muscles are primed for stretching to their full potential.

Consistency is key: Make cool downs a regular part of your workout routine to optimise recovery and performance gains.