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Medicine ball - Split leg raise

Video 61 of 71
1 min 3 sec
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Split Leg Raise with Medicine Ball: Technique and Benefits

Introduction to Split Leg Raise

Learn how to perform a split leg raise using a medicine ball as a target for improved abdominal muscle control.

Using the Medicine Ball as a Target

The medicine ball acts as a target to avoid during the exercise, focusing on controlled movement and abdominal engagement.

Performing the Exercise

Follow these steps to execute the split leg raise:

  1. Position: Maintain a straight back and point your toes, focusing on abdominal tension.
  2. Movement: Lift one leg up and over the medicine ball without touching it, using abdominal muscles for control.
  3. Repeat: Alternate legs and continue the exercise while avoiding contact with the medicine ball.

The split leg raise with a medicine ball improves core strength and stability, enhancing overall abdominal muscle control.