Personal Health and Fitness

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How To Lose Weight

Video 5 of 71
3 min 47 sec
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Effective Weight Loss Strategies

Understanding Calorie Deficit

Key Principle: To lose weight, your body must operate in a calorie-deficit state.

For instance, if your basal metabolic rate (BMR) is 2000 calories, consuming fewer than 2000 calories forces your body to burn stored fat.

How Calorie Deficit Works

If you consistently eat fewer calories than your body needs (e.g., 1750 instead of 2000), your body will tap into stored fat reserves for energy.

Over time, this leads to burning off excess weight accumulated from previous calorie surpluses.

Continuous Calorie Deficit

Consistency is Key: Weight loss occurs by maintaining a sustained calorie deficit over time.

Avoid undoing progress by overeating on certain days; maintain a steady deficit for effective results.

Methods to Create Calorie Deficit

1. Diet Control: Reduce calorie intake below daily requirements through mindful eating.

2. Physical Activity: Increase calorie expenditure through activities that elevate heart rate, such as walking or taking stairs.

Consistent movement throughout the day helps burn additional calories, aiding in weight loss.

Remember, achieving a calorie deficit involves consuming fewer calories than your body needs while staying physically active.