Personal Health and Fitness

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Lower Body Weight Resistance - Glute Bridges

Video 27 of 71
1 min 38 sec
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Glute Bridge: Strengthening the Glutes with Body Weight

Introduction to the Glute Bridge

The glute bridge is a fundamental lower body movement that targets the gluteus maximus, located at the top of the thigh.

Performing the Glute Bridge

  • Starting Position: Lie down on the floor with arms at your sides.
  • Foot Placement: Position feet to achieve a 90-degree angle at the knees.
  • Execution: Push hips towards the sky, engaging the glutes to lift the hips as high as possible.
  • Contraction: Focus on contracting the gluteus maximus throughout the movement.

Ensure proper form to maximize effectiveness and prevent injury during the glute bridge exercise.

Variations to Adjust Difficulty

Modify the intensity of the glute bridge based on your fitness level:

  • Increasing Difficulty: Perform single-leg glute bridges by lifting one foot off the floor and focusing on one glute at a time.
  • Decreasing Difficulty: Reduce the range of motion by not lifting the hips as high initially, gradually increasing as strength improves.

Adapt these techniques to challenge yourself and progress in strengthening the glutes effectively.