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Suspension system - Plyometric jump squat

Video 50 of 71
0 min 57 sec
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Plyometric Squat Using Suspension System: Guide and Benefits

Introduction to Plyometric Squat

Learn how to perform a plyometric squat, also known as a jump squat, using a suspension system for added stability and power.

Executing the Exercise

Follow these steps to perform the plyometric squat with a suspension system:

  • Applying Tension: Put tension through the legs and engage the core to prepare for the jump.
  • Jumping Motion: Propel the body upwards towards the sky, utilizing the suspension for balance and support.
  • Landing: Return to the ground with control, maintaining stability and readiness for the next repetition.

Benefits of Plyometric Squats

Plyometric squats involve explosive movements that help in:

  • Muscle Activation: Enhance muscle firing and engagement.
  • Power Development: Improve the ability to generate force quickly.
  • Balancing with Suspension: Utilize the suspension system to maintain balance and stability.

Include plyometric squats in your workout routine to increase leg strength and overall athletic performance.