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Resistance bands - upper body

Video 34 of 71
2 min 14 sec
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Using Resistance Bands for Exercise

Introduction to Resistance Bands

Resistance bands are versatile tools that can be used to perform various exercises effectively.

Benefits of Resistance Bands

  • Adaptability: Mimics movements of traditional equipment with an anchor point for resistance.
  • Convenience: Portable and can be used anywhere with a stable anchor point.
  • Progressive Resistance: Intensity increases as the band stretches, providing resistance throughout the movement.

Exercise Examples with Resistance Bands

1. Overhead Press

Setup: Place a looped resistance band under your feet.

  • Position: Hold the top end of the band under your chin with a firm grip.
  • Technique: Keep elbows tucked, chest pushed out, and push the band overhead to engage shoulder muscles.
  • Tip: The farther you extend the band, the greater the resistance.

2. Bicep Curl

Setup: Anchor the band under your feet, standing with shoulder-width apart.

  • Execution: Maintain a straight back, grip the band firmly, and curl from bottom to top, flexing the biceps.
  • Focus: Feel the contraction in the biceps during the curl and controlled extension through the triceps.

3. Resistance Band Push-Up

Setup: Loop the band around your back and hold the ends in each hand while in a push-up position.

  • Performance: Lower yourself towards the floor, utilizing both body weight and band resistance.
  • Advantage: Adds extra challenge by providing resistance during both the push and return phases.