Core Exercises - Crunch
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Core Exercise: Crunch Guide
Introduction to Crunches
The crunch is a popular body-weight exercise targeting the abdominal muscles.
Understanding the Crunch Movement
The crunch involves lifting your shoulders and knees off the floor simultaneously to engage the abdominal wall.
Benefits of Crunches
- Engages Full Abdominal Wall: Lift shoulders and knees to centre for complete abdominal contraction.
- Builds Core Strength: Focuses on both upper and lower core muscles.
- Enhances Muscle Tension: Performing slower repetitions increases muscle tension and promotes quicker strength development.
Performing Crunches Correctly
Start in a comfortable position on the floor:
- Basic Crunch: Lift shoulders and knees towards the centre, then return to full extension without resting feet on the floor.
Variations for Different Levels
Adjust the intensity based on your fitness level:
- Beginner's Approach: Alternate lifting knee to opposite elbow, maintaining lower tension.
- Advanced Crunch: Lift both shoulders and knees simultaneously for increased abdominal challenge.
Tips for Effective Crunches
Focus on maintaining continuous tension on the abdominal muscles throughout the exercise to maximize benefits.