Personal Health and Fitness

71 videos, 2 hours and 20 minutes

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Preventing and recognising injury

Video 15 of 71
2 min 19 sec
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Injury Prevention Tips for Exercise Safety

Importance of Warm-Up and Warm-Down

Warm-Up: Prepare your body to prevent injuries before exercise.

  • Ensure your body is adequately warmed up to improve blood circulation and muscle temperature.
  • Increased muscle warmth enhances flexibility, extending your range of motion.

Warm-Down: After exercise, maintain muscle flexibility and prevent sudden cooling.

  • Gradually lower exercise intensity to prevent muscle strain.
  • Keep the body warm to avoid sudden temperature drops.

Recognising and Responding to Exercise Injuries

Signs of Overexertion: Understand different sensations during exercise.

  • A gradual, dull sensation in muscles indicates normal exertion and blood flow.
  • Stop immediately if you feel a sharp, sudden pain, which indicates a potential injury.

Immediate Action: What to do if you suspect an injury.

  • Stop all exercise immediately to prevent further damage.
  • Seek medical attention from a professional to assess and treat the injury.