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Introduction to Dumbbells

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2 min 57 sec
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A dumbbell is just, what we call in the industry, a free weight, so it's a weight that can move in any form because it's not fixed at all. Now, dumbbells come in lots of ranges in sizes and weights, and different companies make them in different ways, but the product is, is just a resistance piece of kit. Now, first of all, you got what we call just a fixed weight, so for example, it would be one single weight, and then we also have adjustable dumbbells, now adjustable dumbbells are one handle where you can add additional weight on as you need it. Now, for example, normally, it's far cheaper to have a set of adjustable dumbbells than it is to have 12 pairs of every weight range. When it comes to dumbbells, there's a couple of factors taken into consideration, you either get a rubber handle or you have a metal handle, now metal handle will conduct the temperature, so whatever the temperature is outside, it's gonna be cold, or if it's inside, it's gonna be warm. Now, when it comes to a rubber handle, inside or outside, the same temperature really.

Now, when it comes to actual heads of the dumbbell, okay, there is either a round heads, you can get a triangle heads, you can get a hexagonal head. Now, the hexagonal head is very popular because it has a flat side. So when you're performing movements where you're basically balancing your weight on top of the dumbbell, that flat side is gonna make sure that that dumbbell will sit nice and securely against the floor and not roll.

Now, when it comes on to dumbbells and why we have them, we have a range of weights for a reason. Now, the range of weights is thereto, for example, for progression in the future. So when you have your ranges... So for example, when you're trying to get stronger and your rep range is one to five if you want to carry on staying in the strength phase, but don't want to increase your amount of reps you're doing, what you can do is you then increase the weight of the dumbbell, and that will allow the muscle to fatigue far quicker than it did before because the weight is now heavier. So when it comes to dumbbells, what a free weight is, is just a resistance in the hands against the muscle that you're putting the tension on. Now, if you don't have a dumbbell at home, multiple things you can use: A can of beans, a mug of milk, it's all element of weight, therefore it's an element resistance on the muscle you're putting the tension on.