Personal Health and Fitness

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Lower Body Weight Resistance - Squat

Video 25 of 71
3 min 38 sec
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Squat Exercise: Technique and Variations

Understanding the Squat Movement

The squat is a fundamental exercise known worldwide for its effectiveness in lower body strength training.

Key Points for Proper Technique

  • Body Composition: Your body type influences how easy or challenging squats may feel.
  • Execution: Squats involve hamstring flexion pulling you down and quad extension pushing you back up.
  • Posture: Keep your weight on your heels to maintain balance; avoid leaning too far forward.
  • Spinal Alignment: Maintain a proud chest and neutral eye line to ensure a straight spine throughout the movement.

Proper technique ensures maximum effectiveness and reduces the risk of injury during squats.

Variations to Increase or Decrease Difficulty

Adjusting the intensity of squats can be achieved through various methods:

  • Controlling Tempo: Slower movements increase muscular tension, enhancing the workout.
  • Using a Chair: Place a chair behind you to assist with maintaining proper depth and form.

These variations cater to different fitness levels and help optimize your squat routine.