Personal Health and Fitness

71 videos, 2 hours and 20 minutes

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Weight plate - Ground to overhead plate press

Video 54 of 71
1 min 5 sec
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Guide to Ground to Overhead Press with Weighted Plate

Introduction to Ground to Overhead Press

Learn how to perform the ground to overhead press exercise using a weighted plate.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Follow these steps to execute the ground to overhead press correctly:

  1. Identify Weight: Check the weight of the plate to understand your starting resistance.
  2. Setup: Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, plate on the floor in front of you.
  3. Execution: Touch the floor with the plate, then rotate it towards your body.
  4. Overhead Press: Push the plate overhead, extending through your arms and shoulders.

Tips for Proper Form

  • Body Alignment: Keep heels down, back straight, and chest up throughout the movement.
  • Core Engagement: Engage your core especially when the weight is overhead to maintain stability.
  • Eyeline and Posture: Keep your eyeline neutral, and ensure the weight stays close to your body during the descent.

Repeat the movement for a full range of repetitions, ensuring each step is executed with proper form and control.