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Suspension systems

Video 46 of 71
3 min 18 sec
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Body-Weighted Suspension System: Setup and Exercises Guide

Setting Up the Suspension System

Learn how to properly set up and adjust a body-weighted suspension system for effective workouts.

  • Anchoring Options: Choose between anchoring around a joist overhead or using a doorway anchor system that attaches over the top of a door.
  • Adjustability: Use marked ranges on the suspension system to adjust the height of the top loop for optimal setup.
  • Handle Adjustment: Utilize the grip ratchet system midway down to ensure both handles are at the same length and securely tightened.

Using the Suspension System

The suspension system relies on body weight to provide resistance, making movements more challenging as more weight is applied.

Here's how to perform a body-weighted press-up using the suspension system:

  1. Start in a position with elbows bent, lowering your chest towards the centre.
  2. Push your weight down through your hands, engaging chest muscles.
  3. Extend your hands forward to full extension, maintaining tension.

Adjust the angle to vary the difficulty:

  • Forward Angle: Reduces body weight on the hands.
  • Backward Angle: Increases body weight on the hands, intensifying the exercise.

Experiment with different angles to find the optimal challenge level for your workouts.