Personal Health and Fitness

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Tracking levels of fitness

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Now, there's multiple apps and sensory devices out there that can help you of all sorts of ways of tracking your levels of fitness, now, how we track a level of someone's fitness is basically, how quickly someone's recovers from their maximum heart rate back to their resting. That amount of time is basically how you assess the level of your own personal fitness. Now the devices out there will allow you to see your maximum heart rate, and will allow to see your resting heart rate immediately. When it comes to knowing your maximum heart rate, to give you a good idea what your maximum heart rate is, it's 220 minus your age, if you are 20 years old and you're trying to find your maximum heart rate, it is 220 minus 20, which will give you 200 beats per minute. When your exercising and your device tells you that you're climbing up towards 200, that is showing you that you're touching in your 90-100% of your maximum heart rate. Now, once you go into your maximum heart rate, you start to put intense exercise on the body, and this is a level of exhaustion the body's gonna go through. Now in order for you to increase your level of fitness, you must increase your level of intensity on your body. The body will adapt the more it's pushed into the high levels of intensity.

So technically, the lower your heart rate is, during intense exercise, the better you can perform because your heart will have a higher range to go into. Why is it important to know your level of fitness? Depending on what your lifestyle is like, will depend on... Is it important to track your fitness. When it comes to a level of an athlete... Okay, someone who is trying to perform better than his opponent, for example, is very important he's tracking every little bit of data while he's exercising. The minute he gets back to a resting state, he then knows he can perform at his maximum state back up to his 100% maximum heart rate. Now, the quicker he recovers, the quicker he can perform again. Therefore, the more better he'll be performing on the athletic field, for example.

Now, one of the best ways of tracking your fitness, and keeping zone into what you're doing, is to see figures changing. When you see your figures are changing, for example, your maximum heart rate is dropping to a point where, when you get up to a certain amount of intensity in the body, your heart rate isn't as high as it was before. It's showing that what you're doing is making your body perform at a better condition. When you can see that what your training is doing to your body is working, it's gonna keep you far more engaged, therefore you're less likely to give up on your plans when it comes to your fitness journey. When people ask me, "Why is it important to be fit?" Because it's the health benefits that you've got to look at. If your blood pressure is lower, if the amount of fats in your arteries is lower, the fitter you are, technically, the longer you should live. As long as you keep that metabolic age as small as you can.