Personal Health and Fitness

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Kettle bell clean and press

Video 43 of 71
1 min 20 sec
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Okay, so what I'm going to cover now is a clean and press with a kettle bell. First of all, before any movement starts, I'm going to make sure I've got a good foundation at the bottom. My heels are dug into the floor, I haven't got my weight forward onto my toes, my back's going to be nice and straight and then I'm going to set myself up like so. From there, we're going to focus on taking the weight to shoulder height first, by pivoting the wrist round and then loading the shoulder into that front rack position, like so. One. That is the clean. From there, we can go into overhead press. One, two, and then back to ground. I'll just demonstrate that one again. So we're going to turn the wrist round, focus on taking the thumb outwards, so external rotation, all the way round and then into that front rack position, like so. One. From there, flex the knee, drive through the shoulder into the press. Making sure, same again, I've got a nice contact with the heels at the back, nice line of travel from the top all the way down to the heel, back to the shoulder and then back to ground to finish.