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Core Exercises- Leg Raises

Video 29 of 71
2 min 19 sec
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Core Exercise: Leg Raise Guide

Introduction to Leg Raise

The leg raise is a fundamental body-weight exercise targeting the lower core muscles.

Positioning and Technique

  • Spine Alignment: Ensure your spine is neutral and your back is straight against the floor.
  • Hand Placement: Keep your hands by your sides to prevent twisting during the movement.
  • Leg Alignment: Straighten your legs with toes pointed for optimal engagement.

Performing the Leg Raise

Focus on engaging your lower core muscles throughout the exercise.

Basic Leg Raise

Start by pointing your toes and relaxing your abdominal muscles. Contract your abs to lift your legs towards the sky, maintaining control and avoiding excessive hip flexor involvement. Lower your legs back down slowly under tension.

Advanced Technique

To increase difficulty, perform the leg raise with more controlled movements, avoiding resting your feet on the floor between repetitions. Keep the tension on your lower core by maintaining a slight elevation off the ground.

Variations to Adjust Difficulty

If you find the leg raise challenging, begin by lifting one foot at a time:

  • Single Leg Raise: Lift your right foot off the floor, then lower it back down. Repeat with the left foot.

Once comfortable, progress to lifting both feet simultaneously while maintaining tension on the lower core.


Mastering the leg raise enhances lower core strength and stability, supporting overall physical fitness and body control.